elevated living

high altitude Recipes

Come browse our RECIPES section to get more information on making changes based on elevation and some yummy recipes that are ready to go!

Cooking and baking at high altitude can be different than cooking and baking at sea level. Many recipes do not make adjustments based on elevation, and the result can be substantially different than what was expected.

Something as simple as the boiling point of water at different elevations can make an impact on food and recipe adjustments may be required. The science of baking and oven temperature adjustments can be essential when baking bread, cookies, cake and brownies whether you are at 7500 ft, 9000 ft or 10000 ft above sea level.

high altitude gardening

Our GARDENING section has useful tips on how to grow vegetables, fruits and beautiful flowers.

Gardening at higher elevations can mean shorter summers and condensed growing seasons. Temperature fluctuations can be hard on young seedlings and drier air can mean plants do not flourish. Even though it is a harsher climate, we still want to enjoy beautiful gardens and delight in homegrown vegetables and fruits.